

Photos are printed mirrored on the back of 4mm acrylic. This gives you glossy finish and most premium  finish. Acrylic is suitable for all kind of photos.

Brushed aluminum.

Photos are printed on 3mm composite aluminum (there are 3 layers: 0,3 mm brushed aluminum, 2,4mm plastic and 0,3 aluminum). Prints on brushed aluminum gives you a very special finish, there is a slight brushed pattern under the print. This is especially present on light, bright parts of the photos, they will be partially or fully transparent and brushed effect will be more visible.
Prints on brushed aluminum is best suited for photos with darker, contrasting colors. Edges of brushed aluminum prints are layered: thin silver line, black thicker line and again silver line.

White aluminum.

Photos are printed on 3mm composite aluminum (there are 3 layers: 0.3 mm white aluminum, 2.4mm plastic and 0.3 aluminum). This is  just normal print on a bit sturdier material. Edges of brushed aluminum prints are layered: thin silver line, black thicker line and again silver line.


Photos are printed on 12mm plywood sheet. There is no white ink layer so wood pattern is partially visible through print. Keep in mind that, because of this colors wont be accurate, the same as prints on white sheet (like white aluminum or white foam).


Photos are printed on 5mm white PVC foam. Foam prints are lighter due to weight of the material at the same time foam is easier to bend. Prints on foam have white edges.
Foam is suitable for all kind of photos.


Depending on what prints, materials you ordered mounting will be a bit different. Bigger acrylic photos will come with four holes in them and stand-offs, universal screws and plugs, you might need to use your own screws/plugs if you see that provided ones do not work for your wall. Composite aluminum, wood and foam photos do not have holes. You will need to screw a screw in to the wall and hang then on.

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